This year our total enrollment of students from Kindergarten through 12 grade is 445. We are a Private, Charitable, Unaided {Meaning, no financial government assistance} Minority School. AND we are considered to be one of the best CBSE schools in our area. One, of the many things that make our school special is our staff. The majority of our school staff are not only former students of the school BUT are some of the original Kids that got the whole Mission started! AND 2 of our high school teachers are 2nd generation… Their parents were raised here. So our school has a special “HEART” because of these ‘alumni-kids & students’…BUT the downside is many of these are over 60. according to government rules we should have retired them at 60.
So please pray with us to not only get good qualified-replacements for these who must retire over the next few years… But that the ones we hire will also have a“HEART” for teaching here at Kulpahar Christian School. We have excellent grade result from our government test each year.
Our school year is from April 1st to March 31st with a 40 day summer break. We are in school the 1st, 3rd & 5th Saturday’s of the month. Each school day begins with our students, in orderly class lines, going to our Chapel building for Morning Assembly. This is led by one of our Christian staff- we sing choruses{in Hindi}- and several in English. We have responsive Bible reading-Prayer followed by the Lord’s Prayer. We close with the National Anthem or National Pledge, School Song or God Bless Our India! Great School…..!