The Kulpahar Church of Christ Mission is very blessed and fortunate to have a “terrific”, young, intelligent, Management Team that ‘loves kids’ – and ‘loves Kingdom Building With & For Kids’!

Amarjeet Singh is the Chairman of the Board and a Minister of a long-established church in Kanpur started by the ‘late’ Ralph Harter!

Neeru Singh is the Secretary/Treasurer & Chief Functionary of the Kulpahar Church of Christ Mission. She is also a licensed/registered Attorney at Law.

N.K. Bardhan is the General Manager of the Kulpahar Church of Christ Mission. Thanks to him and the other Management Team Members new community out-reach projects are being planned and prepared; many areas of the Mission have and are improving! He’s very well organized with 10+ years’ experience in the Management/working in villages and a heart and love for Kids and God’s Kingdom Work!

Linda Stanton is the Director of Hostels. She has been living, working here at KCOCM for 44 years! She is Aunty/mother to hundreds of GROWN KULPAHAR KIDS!

Sharon A. Cunningham is the Manager of the Kulpahar Christian School. She has been living and working here for 27+ years. She loves being involved in ‘educating’ and giving ALL KIDS a GREAT Education!